Undergraduate Research Opportunities and Internships

Here are some ideas for students who want to find undergraduate research opportunities or internships in math. Please contact me to suggest additions to my list!

  • The Joint Applied Math and Marine Sciences Fluids Lab uses undergraduate research assistants during the semester and during the summer. You might do a combination of hands on labwork, computer data analysis, and math in this position.
  • Some professors will take on students for an independent study project or research project. Most professors will want you to have substantial background in math already, so at least through 381 and 383 and possibly some 500-level classes under your belt. You can get between 1 and 3 EE course credit (Math 296) for doing this. To find a professor to work with, you could approach a professor that you have had a class with, or look at this list of research interests to find professor who has research interests in an area that you are interested in, or you can contact the Math Department Honors Coordinator (Richard Rimanyi for Spring 2022) for suggestions.
  • The Directed Reading Program matches undergrads with math grad students for semester-long independent study projects.
  • The American Mathematical Society has a list of Summer Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) programs all over the country. You apply for these and they usually pay you a stipend to do research with a group of other students for 8 – 10 weeks of the summer. There is also an NSF list of REUs.
  • The Carolina Math Club sometimes has a panel discussion about research opportunities, especially summer REU’s. This might be a good way to find out what other UNC students have done.
  • The University Career Services office has lots of information about internships in general. Their list will probably include some math related ones.
  • For opportunities off campus around the country, especially summer programs, consult the AMS list of REU’s.